Hear Our Prayers for Peace

To Our GTUx Community, 

Our hearts are heavy as we mourn the devastating tragedy of war and human suffering in Israel and Palestine. This conflict reminds us that the world is not at peace. The world is not as it should be. In these moments, we send our continued prayer, unending and unrelenting, for peace. 

In a world weary of death and destruction, we continue to have hope. Hope that our children will no longer know the word war. Hope for a world full of kindness and beauty and love. With this prayer, our mission feels more urgent and needed: to promote compassion through dialogue and mutual understanding. We draw upon the strength of our community to further this mission of kindness.  

We call you to be a part of this mission. As we reflect on this moment of United Nations Day, we look to this example of international cooperation to promote peace keeping initiatives across the world. As we look to the voices within these places of conflict, we hope to be a part of that small light in dark times.  

We offer words from this poem, Prayers of Mothers for Life and Peace by Sheikha Ibtisam Mahameed and Rabbi Tamar Elad-Appelbaum, as a final message of hope: 

For your sake God of Life 

Let us choose Life. 

For you are Peace, your world is Peace and all that is yours is Peace, 

And so shall be your will and let us say Amen.