Worlds of Corporeality: Judaism and the Material World
Howard Thurman: Seeking, Queering, and Transcending
Worlds of Corporeality: Judaism and the Material World
Certificate of Completion Ecospirituality
Mystical Reading in Islamic & Jewish Traditions
Calligraphy Workshop
Changing the Future: Local Challenges, Local Solutions for Climate Action Part 2
Reverend Lauren Van Ham of the United Religions Initiative introduces an insightful dialogue about the intersection of faith, community, and environmental action. Highlighting partnerships with the UN Environment Programme and […]
Spirituality x Beauty
Dr. Christopher Renz, OP, Professor of Liturgical Studies and Science & Theology at the Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology, discusses the ways in which experiencing and appreciating beauty can […]
A River of History and Change
The events we face globally are unprecedented. Individuals, communities, organizations, and governments worldwide have been navigating a global pandemic, widespread injustice, and heartbreaking violence. Throughout all of this, one of […]
Spirituality x Organizations
Dr. Al Tizon reflects on the benefits for organizations to embrace and tap into spirituality as a resource.