The Sensual & the Sublime: The Liberative Arc of Ecological Justice

Village Mothers and Other Mothers

Certificate of Completion Ecospirituality

Changing the Future: Local Challenges, Local Solutions for Climate Action Part 2

Reverend Lauren Van Ham of the United Religions Initiative introduces an insightful dialogue about the intersection of faith, community, and environmental action. Highlighting partnerships with the UN Environment Programme and […]
Re-Imagining Ritual

We are delighted to present reflections from Dr. Michael Campos (PhD, ’11) who teaches high school religion at Convent & Stuart Hall, Schools of the Sacred Heart San Francisco.
Flexibility and Resilience

Listen as Dr. Kamal Abu-Shamsieh speaks about spiritual care, resilience, and community.
Spirituality x Daily Life

In “Spirituality x Daily Life,” Sam Shonkoff touches on daily practices, everyday spirituality, finding delight in the everyday, and the question of how do we live spiritually in this time?
Spirituality x Care

Dr. Kamal Abu-Shamsieh discusses “Spirituality x Care,” which focuses on the ways in which interreligious chaplains connect with the people they serve no matter their background or beliefs.
Spirituality x Organizations

Dr. Al Tizon reflects on the benefits for organizations to embrace and tap into spirituality as a resource.
Persevera y Vencerás

Dr. Wendy Arce, Associate Dean of Students, reflects, “Abuelita teaches us from her wisdom that troubling times pass—the tough part is to not lose hope and faith that one’s persistence […]