Howard Thurman: Seeking, Queering, and Transcending
Future Directions in Latter-day Saint Theology: Christology, Scripture, and Immanence
2020 Surjit Singh Lecture Series – Lecture with Dr. Jacob Olupona
Started in 1991, the annual Surjit Singh Lecture in Comparative Religious Thought and Culture builds upon the GTU’s tradition of ecumenical theological education and dedication to interreligious dialogue and understanding. […]
Distinguished Faculty Lecture Presented by Dr.Valerie Miles-Tribble
Each November, the GTU faculty honors a distinguished professor who embodies the scholarly standards, teaching excellence, and commitment to ecumenism and interreligious dialogue that define the GTU. Nominations are considered […]
Uncovering Jewish Creativity in Book III of the Sibylline Oracles: Gender, Intertextuality, and Politics
In Uncovering Jewish Creativity in Book III of the Sibylline Oracles, Dr. Bacchi reclaims the importance of the Sibyl as a female voice of prophecy and reveals new layers of […]
The War in Ukraine and its Religious Roots
A panel discussion hosted by the Graduate Theological Union examining the religious roots of the war in Ukraine. Featured speakers include: Thomas Cattoi, Associate Professor of Christology and Cultures, Jesuit […]
The Virgin Mary as Warrior: Marian models of women’s religious experience in colonial Latin America
The historiography of women’s piety in Latin America usually focuses on discrimination and dominant colonial ideologies of religious passivity. Yet a study of Mariology suggests that Hebrew Bible models of […]
2021 Borsch-Rast Book Lecture
The Borsch-Rast Book Prize and Lectureship of the Graduate Theological Union has as its purpose the encouragement of the writing and publication of theological scholarship by GTU graduates and current […]
From Ritual to Religion: The Consequences of Taking Nondualism Seriously
Each November, the GTU faculty honors a distinguished professor who embodies the scholarly standards, teaching excellence and commitment to ecumenism that defines the GTU. Nominations are made by GTU faculty […]
Imaging Pilgrimage: Art as Embodied Experience (Sixth Annual Borsch-Rast Lecture)
The Graduate Theological Union was pleased to host Dr. Kathryn Barush, Thomas E. Bertelsen Jr. Associate Professor of Art History and Religion, as the Sixth Annual Borsch-Rast Lecturer on March […]